Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Remembering where I began 🔰

2 Year Journey

❣️ Exploring my new hobby

3 min readAug 24, 2020


I started using Medium 2 years ago in 2018 after being inspired by one of my colleagues. Initially, it was all about some random topics. Some of them were:
[Ignore the stupid titles 😉]

Then I felt an urge to share solutions to the issues which I encountered working using Ionic [hybrid mobile application framework]. These are mostly the issues I couldn’t easily find a direct answer online. So I started writing coding blogs, sharing the experience and approaches I have used to solve a particular problem I faced.


I used to share my posts in all the online platforms I’m active. Apart from being just helpful to others, naturally, I started receiving depressing criticisms. I have no problem with that. People can freely say or share their opinion.

I believed, the more I share, the more I’ll gain. I have always written about coding elements which might be very basic or small things for many developers. But I have always thought, if I have faced an issue with this, then there is a fair possibility that few others like me must be facing the same.

One day, I have received feedback from one of my senior colleague regarding my posts. He said, “you shouldn’t be posting these not-so-real problems, these seem to be very stupid. It would be best if you focused on solving complex problems. Your posts seem to be useless.”

After this, I felt terrible about it. I stopped posting coding related stuff.
Later I realised I am not in a competition or something and no issue is insignificant. I am trying to build a habit of writing while trying to help someone in need.
Most writers or content creators, including me, don’t like this type of criticism. I always felt like replying, “If you don’t like what I write, why you are even reading it?”. But I have also received many emails from my readers who thanked me for helping them out. It made me feel good.

Learn to like hate. Why? Because you can’t stop these comments, rather deal with it. And try as much as possible to remove the negativity. These negative criticism might bring some excellent opportunity as well.

I’ll soon resume posting coding elements.

We can always ignore all that criticism and hate but then how we can develop thick skin without exposing ourself to criticism?

No good writing is possible without revealing a part of yourself.


Since the last 2–3 months, I have started exploring a lot of topics apart from coding as well. I have also found an interest in reading books and articles related to improving personality, how to be free. Also started writing about these, putting my opinions.

These helped me overcome a lot of stress and anxiety, made me have some clarity and purpose for life.


Improvement is a life long process. You’ll keep on developing if you’re flexible. I loved a quote, I once found in a post, “write without fear, and edit without mercy”. Often, whenever I don’t get an idea about what to write, I go through my old posts and edit or try to improve them.

A great thanks to Medium, for providing me with a space to be creative.

Follow along for more daily updates on my new series, Mission: Freedom and/or other blog posts!

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A coder by profession, sharing life experiences with the Words. Learning more about Productivity, Habits, Decision Making and ambitious towards self freedom.